Storyset for providing an incredible array of illustrations to enhance our visuals.

Freepik for generously sharing their vectors, adding depth and creativity to our designs.

SVGRepo for their diverse collection of vectors, contributing to the visual appeal of our project.

LottieFiles for delivering captivating animations that bring life to our user interface.

Libraries and Components:

  • AGSkeletonLoading for the enchanting shimmer effect, adding a touch of elegance during loading.
  • ReadMoreTextView for seamlessly handling expanded text, enhancing user experience with a "Read More" feature.
  • ZXing Android Embedded for the powerful barcode scanning capability, enabling efficient data input.
  • ArcProgressBar for the customizable and visually appealing progress bar, ensuring a delightful user journey.
  • uCrop for facilitating image cropping, allowing users to tailor images to their preferences.
  • MPAndroidChart for the versatile charting options, enabling comprehensive data visualization.
  • CircleImageView for the rounded image view, adding a sleek touch to user profile displays.
  • SmoothBottomBar for the custom bottom navigation, enhancing navigation aesthetics and usability.
  • Android Popup Dialog for the stylish and functional custom dialog boxes, improving user interaction.
  • Toasty for the eye-catching custom toast messages, providing informative and visually appealing feedback.
  • Oops-No-Internet for the thoughtful no internet connection dialog, ensuring a graceful handling of network issues.
  • CustomLottieDialogBox-Android for the engaging Lottie loading animations, keeping users entertained during wait times.
  • NumberPicker for the intuitive number picking interface, simplifying user input for numerical values.

A heartfelt thanks to all contributors and creators for making our project possible. If you believe we've used your work and haven't credited you, please reach out to us. We value your contributions and want to ensure proper acknowledgment.

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